Our services
Landscape Design Services
landscape design
We can provide landscape plans for all of your residential and industrial projects. Preparation of landscape plans is an essential part of the planning application process. We work across all of metropolitan Melbourne and various regional areas. We work with architects, building designers, developers and town planners to create landscape plans to meet the needs of every client.
Arboricultural assessment reports
A Preliminary Assessment Report is the starting point for your development project. This is an assessment of all of the trees on the site and its surrounds and provides Council with the information that it needs in the context of the planning scheme and local laws. This enables Council to determine which trees can go and what has to stay and will inform your architectural designs.
Pre-purchase site appraisal
Looking at a potential development site to buy? We can advise on what trees can likely be removed and those that may have to stay so you can make an informed decision prior to Auction day and be confident about what is possible for the site.
Some works within close proximity to trees may require Arborist supervision. This is often a condition of the planning permit.
Once your plans have been submitted, depending on the site; Council may ask for a further report which looks at potential impact on any retained trees, how impact can be minimised and how retained trees will be protected during works
DB Horticulture will often liaise directly with Council officers where required to work through tree issues which can sometimes be quite complex. If things don’t go smoothly and it turns out that VCAT is the only way to progress your application, this is an area we are experienced in too.